Whistling can be really useful if you want to distract an enemy and you want to kill them with a takedown while hiding. Alternatively, you can also unlock suppressed ammo in the loadout menu for $2 to have some at the start of every game. You can pick them up during your missions from caches and even dead bodies, but they’re very rare. But thankfully, most guns will give you the option to use suppressed ammo, which has the same effect as using a silencer. Only a few specific guns like the welrod are equipped with a silencer by default, and a silencer can’t really be equipped to the rest of the guns. To choose the other function, simple do a left click and it will automatically switch to it. The ticked function is the one currently equipped. Take note that when selecting tools and weapons, there are always two alternative functions for each, which you can see in the center of the circle. You can move the mouse to point to a tool then it will automatically be equipped once you release Q. Just hold Q and you’ll see your tools and weapons in the weapons circle. See that little icon on the lower right of the screen? That’s the tool currently equipped to Karl. Press E once there’s an indicator on the lower part of the screen to silently kill an enemy with a takedown. Press C to crouch and silently walk towards the back of an enemy. Takedowns are a good way to kill enemies without wasting a bullet. Then hold right click to aim with your scope (you can scroll the middle wheel to zoom in and out), press the space bar to clear your lungs, make sure the yellow indicator in the middle turns red (a red indicator means a sure kill), then shoot with a left click. Simply make sure you’re equipped with your sniper rifle by pressing 1 or choosing your sniper rifle in the weapons menu by holding Q.

Once you want to leave the shooting range, just press Esc and choose end game.

Just choose the shooting range option in the game’s start menu and you can start practicing. The shooting range is a good place to practice your shooting skills with different guns.Keep your stamina up! A low stamina makes sniping really difficult.When an enemy sees a dead body, it will raise suspicion. It’s recommended to hide dead bodies by hiding them in bushes or throwing then in the ocean.If that’s red, that means they know where you are and are going to attack! Watch your radar! See that outer circle on your mini map? If that’s yellow, that means the enemies are actively searching for you.When you hear loud noises, see if there’s a white icon in the upper part of the screen, that means your enemies won’t hear your gunshots. Ever heard the noise of incoming planes or thunder? These noises can be used to your advantage.After a few loud shots, they will be able to locate you, so if you don’t have suppressed ammo yet, it’s better to change positions with every shot. Be wary of your gunshots, your enemies can hear them and be alerted.You don’t need to kill all your enemies if you don’t want to.You can zoom in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel. To do this, you simply need to use the binoculars by pressing B, and left-clicking once an enemy is in the crosshair of the binocular. Always tag your enemies first! It’s always good to know where your enemies are to devise a good strategy.That’s alright, we got you covered with this beginner guide! However, it could be a very difficult game for those who are new to the Sniper Elite franchise. It gives you the freedom to finish the missions your own way, whether you want to go Rambo or go Solid Snake, or whether you want to utilize the numerous tools available or not. A comprehensive beginner's guide for Sniper Elite 4